
Everything Solid

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Book design for a collaborative project between fine art photographer, Louis De Belle, and curator, Nicolò Ornaghi. De Belle’s series of pictures objectively record the disintegration of a colourful example of that plastic icon of '70s modernism, Joe Colombo’s Boby trolley.

      Printing only on one side of the page, our design emphasises the sequential relation between images. We selected a heavy 350 gsm glossy stock duplexed to 350 gsm grey stock, making substantial leaves more commonly associated with toddlers’ books. This lends a distinctive object quality to the book as a whole, connecting it at a formal level to its subject matter. The thickness of individual pages, again, makes reference to the trolley through an oblique relation to the thickness of its plastic walls. That connection is reinforced in a different register by the specification of a plastic spiral binding. The puncturing of the page to accept the binding is fact-like in its directness, with a jolly undertone of violence.

      Ornaghi’s contextualising essay presents another order of information. We marked the distinction between object and commentary by setting the text in red, suitably modern, Neue Haas Grotesk on a lighter 80 gsm grey stock.